Eating the Rainbow Garden

Have all these wondrous and colorful edible plants in your garden, but have no clue where to start with eating them? Or even how to keep them fresh once picked? Join us on this epic journey as we celebrate the flavors and colors of fresh, homegrown produce and discover delightful recipes that will inspire you to create nourishing meals straight from your garden. 

Harvesting Tips

Timing is Key: Harvest fruits and vegetables when they are fully ripe but before they become overripe. Each plant has different indicators of ripeness, so familiarize yourself with the specific signs for each crop. For example, tomatoes should be fully colored and slightly soft when gently squeezed, while cucumbers should be firm and dark green.

Morning Harvest: Pick your produce in the morning when the temperatures are cooler. Fruits and vegetables tend to be more hydrated and crisp during this time. Additionally, morning harvesting reduces the risk of sunburn on delicate fruits and vegetables.

Use Proper Tools: Invest in a pair of sharp gardening shears or pruners to ensure clean and precise cuts. Avoid pulling or twisting the produce, as this can damage the plant or leave unwanted stems or leaves behind.

Gentle Handling: Handle your fruits and vegetables with care to avoid bruising or damaging them. Place harvested produce in a basket or a shallow container lined with soft paddings, such as a towel or paper towels, to cushion them during transport.

Don't Overcrowd: Avoid overcrowding your harvest container, as this can lead to bruising or squishing of the produce. Leave enough space between the fruits and vegetables to prevent them from getting crushed.

Harvest Leafy Greens: For leafy greens like lettuce, kale, and spinach, harvest the outer leaves first, allowing the center leaves to continue growing. This method promotes continuous growth and ensures a longer harvest season.

Harvesting Herbs: Harvest herbs frequently to encourage bushier growth. Pinch or snip off the leaves and stems you need, starting with the outermost ones. Avoid stripping the plant completely; it needs some foliage for continued growth.

Enjoy Immediately or Store Properly: For the best flavor and nutritional value, consume freshly harvested produce as soon as possible. Consider sharing with friends and neighbors if you have more than you can eat. If storing, follow specific guidelines for each fruit or vegetable, such as refrigerating or storing at room temperature, to maintain their freshness and quality.

Recipe Ideas 

Rainbow Veggie Skewers: Thread a colorful assortment of cherry tomatoes, bell peppers, zucchini slices, red onions, and mushrooms onto skewers. Grill them until tender and lightly charred. Serve with a tangy yogurt-dill dipping sauce for a burst of garden flavors.

Fresh Herb Pesto Pasta: Blend a handful of fresh basil leaves, parsley, and mint with garlic, pine nuts, Parmesan cheese, and olive oil to create a vibrant herb pesto. Toss the pesto with cooked pasta and cherry tomatoes from your garden. Garnish with extra herbs and enjoy a fragrant, garden-infused pasta dish.

Breakfast Yogurt with Edible Flowers: Create a vibrant breakfast snack using your yogurt of preference with fresh fruit either from your garden or a local farmers market. Top it off with edible flowers like nasturtiums, pansies, or borage blossoms for a touch of beauty and delicate flavors.

Stuffed Zucchini Boats: Halve zucchinis lengthwise and scoop out the flesh to create "boats." In a bowl, combine the zucchini flesh with cooked quinoa, diced bell peppers, corn, and feta cheese. Season with herbs and spices of your choice. Fill the zucchini boats with the mixture, sprinkle some breadcrumbs and Parmesan on top, and bake until golden and tender. Serve as a colorful and flavorful main dish.

Grilled Eggplant Roll-Ups: Slice eggplant lengthwise into thin strips and grill them until tender. Spread a mixture of ricotta cheese, minced garlic, and fresh herbs onto each strip. Roll them up and secure them with toothpicks. Drizzle with olive oil and grill for a few more minutes until lightly browned. Serve as a delightful and healthy appetizer or side dish.

Get ready to bring the rainbow to your plate and experience the magic of garden-to-table eating like never before! Remember each recipe is made to be adjusted to whatever flavor experiences you prefer. Plus, everything can be substituted for something more plant-based, never feel stuck to following a recipe to the tee. Happy Eating!!


Grab Your Shoes and Step Into Container Gardening


Into the Outdoors